Electrical energy, in the present scenario, has become an integral part of all the engineering applications.
Therefore, a course on ‘Basic Electrical Engineering’ has been introduced by all the universities worldwide for the engineering disciplines.
In my teaching experience, I observed that most of the students, particularly the students belonging to
the disciplines of civil, mechanical, computers, textile, etc. (other than electrical and ECE), have difficulty
in understanding the contents from the available textbooks. They resort to memorize the statements and
formulae of the basic principles. Keeping this in mind, every effort has been taken to make it a students’
friendly book by using simple and lucid language. At the same time, a careful effort has been made to provide a comprehensive coverage of the course as per the course requirements.
The book is not only useful for B.Tech. students who are pursuing the courses in Basic Electrical
Engineering but also useful for the practicing engineers and technicians. The book is also suitable for the
students pursuing AMIE (The Institution of Engineers, India) and the students who are preparing for various other competitive examinations.
Each chapter contains neat and self-explanatory diagrams to understand the subject to a great extent. A
large number of solved and unsolved examples have been added in various chapters to enable the students
to attempt different types of questions asked in the examination, without any difficulty. Practice Exercises
are added in all the chapters at regular intervals to keep the students proficient on the topic. At the end of
each chapter summary, sufficient number of objective type questions, short answer questions, and test questions have been added to make the book complete and comprehensive in all respects.
Although every care has been taken to eliminate the errors, it is very difficult to claim perfection. I shall
be very grateful to the readers (students and teachers) and users of this book if they point out any mistake
that might have crept in. Suggestions for the