Course Content
1. Atomic and Molecular Structure
Bohr Theory of Hydrogen atom
10:22 -
Spectrum of H atom
10:44 -
Sommerfeld Extension of Bohr Theory
19:58 -
Particle and wave nature of electron
04:57 -
De-Broglie equation
19:27 -
Aufbau principle
17:58 -
Compton effect
04:07 -
Schrodinger wave equation
12:38 -
Laplacian and Hamiltonian operator
20:08 -
Linear Combination of atomic orbitals
18:53 -
Molecular orbitals of diatomic molecules
07:49 -
Energy level diagrams of homonuclear and heteronuclear diatomics
28:24 -
Pi-molecular orbitals of butadiene
15:57 -
Pi-molecular orbitals of Benzene
12:23 -
Pi-molecular orbitals of Aromaticity
28:15 -
Crystal field theory and the energy level diagrams for transition metal ions and their magnetic properties
56:37 -
Band structure of solids and the role of doping on band structures.
2. Spectroscopic Techniques and Applications
3. Intermolecular Forces and Potential Energy Surfaces
4. Use of Free Energy in Chemical Equilibria
5. Periodic Properties
6. Stereochemistry
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